Welcome to Thankful Thursday! If you'd like to participate, just copy the T.T. button on my sidebar and paste it into your post. Next write down five things you are thankful for this week. Finally, come back here and link up with Mr. Linky. It's that easy!
Here's my list for this week.
1) I am thankful that my husband is my biggest fan. I sing in our praise band on Saturday Nights, and Tim always sends me an encouraging message on my phone while I'm practicing. We all need encouragers in our lives!
2) I am thankful that after waiting for eight months, Marriage Partnership Magazine has responded to the query letter I sent them and they have requested to see my article! It's not a guarantee, but it's the next step and that's exciting!
3) I am thankful that I have loving Christian parents. When we went on our trip to Hershey, PA, my parents came with us. What a blast we had! They are so much fun to be around.
4) I am thankful for my local writer's group, RCWW. Through a series of emails, the co-directer decided to encourage me to submit at least one article this month. We then agreed to critique the other's article for them. This all led up to me needing someone to look at the article I wrote 8 months ago for MP Magazine. God's timing is always perfect! Now I'll be submitting 2 articles!
5) I am thankful for the time I get to spend with Kelly. She has been my best friend for many, many years and she knows me so well. Whenever we're together, we just relax and really have fun.
May God's timing in your lives, be exactly what you need this week!
I'm so excited you'll be submitting 2 articles this month! You amaze me that you fit in time to write with your busy life:-)
I'm thankful for RCWW too:-)
Marriage Partnership Magazine- That is exciting. Congrats as well on the articles you are submitting! Submitting is half the battle for me. God bless you today sister.
How exciting! Isn't God just so amazing?
I am thankful for you hosting this each week! It's a blessing for each of the participants and the countless readers of the combined blogs!
Blessings - Lisa
I love how God brings BF into our lives because they love us warts and all.
Also, thank you for hosting this for us, I love when Thursday gets here. ;-)
That is so great they are going to look at your article, you must be so excited, Praise God!
What a beautiful Thankful Post :)
Have a Blessed Day my friend :)
How exciting that they are looking at your article and as referenced with #1...marriage is a perfect topic for you. :)
I haven't had the chance of getting to know you as good as some of the others, but I feel like you are a sincere person, so I have chosen you for a blog award...You may pick it up anytime at my spot if you would like...
Thank you for feeling lead to host "Thankful Thursdays"...Thank you for following your heart!
Tessa (Cricket)
I'm thankful for RCWW too. And YOU! I love have fun together! And now we can more often. YAY!
I'm excited about your article!
I always love reading how you adore your husband and also your recent HERSHEY trip pictures are adorable!
Thanks for leading our TT blessings!
It's been such an uplifting blessing to read everyone's "Thankful Thursdays," so I just couldn't help but join in! Thanks so much for hosting this! So glad I found YOU, too!
Congrats, Sonya, on the positive response to your query! The waiting can be hard, can't it? Wow -- 8 months... I've been waiting for almost 5 months after sending an article in AFTER the positive response to a query. Maybe there's hope for a response yet!
Look at all those ways God is encouraging you this week! You need a Thankful Thursday to actually see the places through which He is reaching out to say "Keep goin', girl!" That's awesome!
Nice 5 Thankfuls. Good perspective-shaper. ;-)
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