Happy Resurrection Day!
We try to make this an important weekend in the lives of our children.
We start by having our own Messianic (Christian) Passover Seder on Friday night (yes, I'm aware that it isn't the correct day, but it's the thought that counts for us). This is the one meal of the year that we all look forward to! We even talk about it all year long in anticipation.
The children help me prepare the different unusual dishes that we will need and we buy the unleavened bread and the traditional Jewish wine (sparkling cider for the kids). Then we decorate the table and pull out the many candles we will be lighting.
Once the leg of lamb is cooked and de-boned, the meal can begin! It takes us between two and three hours to actually complete this ceremony and meal. Every minute is cherished by all.
One of the key things we do, is to set a place setting at the end of the table for Elijah. If you remember, Elijah never died, and it is believed that he will return to earth once again, marking the beginning of the return of Christ.
My youngest daughter, Tiffany, couldn't quite figure this one out. She wanted to know who this Elijah person was and was he going to be driving his car to our house?
We said, "No, honey, Elijah is a spirit right now like God."
To that she replied, "Well, is he in my heart like God?"
"No, he's not in our hearts, he's in heaven but one day he will come back."
At the end of the Seder, we open the back door and welcome Elijah to come (thus welcoming the return of Christ) and at the moment we did that, my two toy poodles freaked out - started barking and tore out of the door! Her eyes were as big as saucers as she fully expected this Spirit Elijah to come into our home! LOL! It was so precious.
I hope your Easter was blessed, and I want to encourage you to start up some traditions that make the weekend truly meaningful. The world has commercialized the holidays so much that it takes away from the true meaning. Have a blessed week!
That sounds wonderful! What a great tradition.
This beats with my heart friend...I pray that even if you don't leave a comment, that you would take a moment to hope over to Higher Grounds.
The Easter Bunny didn't rise from the dead!
What a fun tradition your family has, Sonya! Your kids must learn so much. And what excitement...even the dogs got into the thrill of it all. How funny!
Have a wonderful week.
Thank you for sharing a valued family tradition for you and your family! I agree that as Christians we need to establish these types of traditions as to teach our children the valuable lessons they must learn while they are still under our care!
May God continually pour forth His blessings on you and your family!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
What a great tradition, so important what we teach the children at a young age, it then just sticks to them as they grow.
Great Share :)
What a wonderful Sunday it was. It is good to follow through with such a tradition. You are teaching your children well. That was too funny about the dogs.
What a wonderful family tradition. It was so thoughtful of the dogs to add to the drama of the ceremony:-)
I am glad that you shared we were thinking about doing a Seder this year but we will have to make sure to do it next year.
Love the adventure of walking with God!
Have a great week.
He is risen.
My oldest daughter and her family celebrated this same way. Imagine the sales clerks surprise when she asked Mikaela (6) if that was her new easter dress and she replied - "well,actually, it is my passover dress!".
Many blessings,
So precious Sonya...
I keep in mind for next year a really family tradition.....
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