On Monday I blogged about being a type "B" person and how I wanted advice on how to bring out the the type "A" in me. The funny thing was that I had more type "A"'s leave me a comment than type "B". Thank you for all of the responses. I loved reading each one of them!
I woke up this morning just feeling like this was an impossible task. I am a round peg and I cannot be squeezed into a square slot. I thought how God doesn't make mistakes and how He made some of us to be type "A" and some to be type "B". Then it hit me, the world puts a lot of pressure on us to become type "A" people. The world says we have to be driven to accomplish many things. The world demands we all be the same, fit into the same mold. But that's not how God works!
God created each one of us to be unique and different. Get to know a set of identical twins and you'll see that they even have differences in their personalitites. God does want us to accomplish things and do His will, but we are going to go about getting there in different ways.
I've thrown aside my minute-by-minute schedule (it was so pretty with a rainbow of colors), and I've adapted to a type "B" way of scheduling. I have made a list of all the things that need to be done, and then I sit down and do them. If I get side tracked for a few minutes (like writing this post), not to worry, becasue when I''m done here I'll be back to working on my list.
The irony is that I don't care if I mark off my list (that might make it messy!) I just know when I've completed the first thing than I move on to the next, and so on. Each day I will create a new list and that works well for me. I've also found that a block of time works better for me than an exact time. It's more flexible and as a type "B" I need flexible!
For example, we were finishing up some schooling this morning when we got a phone call (yes we answer the phone during school!) the person on the other end of the phone said, "IT"S SNOWING"!!! Of course, at the mention of snow in November in Virginia, we all ran screaming out the door to take in the wonder of it all! It was short lived and after about 20 minutes, we were all freezing cold and ready to go back in and finish up our work. If I had been on a specific time frame I would have been stressed out, but since I just knew the task that needed to be completed, I could feel no condemnation as I got the chore finished after playing in the snow.
So, if you're one of my "A" friends, stop rolling your eyes! If you're one of my "B" friends, lets celebrate being who we are because God doesn't want us to be what we are not. :)
PS. Think about it, Moses, was clearly a type "B", he was happy tending sheep in the fields and didn't need the leadership role. He even wanted his brother to take charge, although God wanted Moses to lead. So, that said, type "B" people can certainly lead, they just need to be pushed a bit. :)