Thursday, May 28, 2009
Thankful Thursday #28
Welcome to Thankful Thursday! If you'd like to participate, just copy the T.T. button on my sidebar and paste it into your post. Next write down five things you are thankful for this week. Finally, come back here and link up with Mr. Linky. It's that easy!
Here's my list for this week:
1) I am thankful that my husband is the most handsome man I know. He cares about himself enough to keep fit by going to the gym and eating healthy. I think he has become more attractive with age! I am blessed to be his wife!
2) I am thankful that my daughter, Ashley, is graduating from kindergarten this morning. She has had such a fun year and is really looking forward to being a first grader. She doesn't want to break for summer!
3) I am thankful that today is the last day of school. I need the summer break. My kids need the summer break (except for Ashley)
4) I am thankful that when my three year old daughter, Tiffany, decided to stuff tissues into the top of the lamp that was turned on and sitting on her dresser, it didn't actually catch on fire - just smoldered until we all came running to her room looking for the fire! God is good.
5) I am thankful that the month of May is coming to an end. I'm ready for a new month because this one seemed to be a bit hectic and just flew by too fast.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Proud to be an American

I wanted to take this opportunity to tell the world that I am proud to be an American!
I am also proud to be a Christian.
On this Memorial day, let's take the time to be thankful for all of the men and women who have ever served our country over the years.
Let's also take this opportunity to be thankful for all of the missionaries who have ever served our Savior with their lives over the years.
Missionaries are members of God's army, they are fighting for His kingdom.
God bless America!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Thankful Thursday #27
Welcome to Thankful Thursday! If you'd like to participate, just copy the T.T. button on my sidebar and paste it into your post. Next write down five things you are thankful for this week. Finally, come back here and link up with Mr. Linky. It's that easy!
Here's my list for this week:
1) I am thankful that my husband shares his heart with me. Sometimes it's not easy to be transparent with your spouse, but being honest is critical in a healthy relationship!
2) I am thankful that I am the righteousness of Christ. The enemy of my soul has been trying to tell me otherwise this week. That's why I need the scriptures. 2Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him (Jesus) to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
3) I am thankful for my friends. We need to be encouraged daily, and having Christian friends and family can really be a blessing!
4) I am thankful that the bank has started to look at the offer we placed on a house 9 weeks ago. I think we are finally at the finish line.
5) I am thankful for shelter, food, and clothing. These are basics that I sometimes take for granted as an American. I've seen too many friends lose their jobs lately, and I am grateful for these things.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Time Together
After 16 years of marriage, my husband and I have realized the importance of making time for "us." Over the weekend, we went away for 2 nights and 3 days without the kids.
We are still waiting to hear if the bank has accepted our offer on the house, but we went to Green Front furniture just to dream.
They had some lovely selections, and some not so attractive things. (Yes these are bull horns!) You could put this piece in your sales office and say, "Come to my store, we cut through the Bull here!"
We had some fun checking out the yard decorations.
We had some trouble with the wild animals, though!
After a long day, and 10 warehouses, we both decided to take a well deserved break.
Spending time together is a great way to just refresh and renew with one another. We came home ready to get back into the hectic schedules of our lives, but we have a peace knowing that in just a few days, we'll hang out once again. If you haven't been away with your spouse lately (without the kids!) then I suggest you plan a trip, it does amazing things for your relationship and your sanity! LOL! God Bless!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Book Giveaway Winners!
Good Friday to everyone!
I wanted to thank all of you for leaving comments on my Monday post regarding the book,
"The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman.
Several of you mentioned that you already had a copy, that's great to hear! I used to come up with my winners and with no further ado:
1) Breeze over at Breezedaze. May God grant you the grace you need to fulfill the love needs of those living in your household. It isn't easy and it does take sacrifice, but the results are worth it.
2) Greg C. over at Gregs General Store. May God give you wisdom as you seek to show love to each member of your household. Glad you have an interest in reading this life changing book.
Please stop by their blog homes and congratulate them.
Again, thank you all for participating and for the rest of you, check with your church library!
I wanted to thank all of you for leaving comments on my Monday post regarding the book,
"The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman.
Several of you mentioned that you already had a copy, that's great to hear! I used to come up with my winners and with no further ado:
1) Breeze over at Breezedaze. May God grant you the grace you need to fulfill the love needs of those living in your household. It isn't easy and it does take sacrifice, but the results are worth it.
2) Greg C. over at Gregs General Store. May God give you wisdom as you seek to show love to each member of your household. Glad you have an interest in reading this life changing book.
Please stop by their blog homes and congratulate them.
Again, thank you all for participating and for the rest of you, check with your church library!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Thankful Thursday #26
Welcome to Thankful Thursday! If you'd like to participate, just copy the T.T. button on my sidebar and paste it into your post. Next write down five things you are thankful for this week. Finally, come back here and link up with Mr. Linky. It's that easy!
Here's my list for this week
1) I am thankful that my husband and I have turned off the television. Back in January, the time of New Years resolutions, we decided spending time together was far more important than watching T.V. and we ended our years of sitting in front of the T.V. instead of communicating with one another. Of course, we all know that this was a much bigger sacrifice for my husband than for me. Love you, Tim!
2) I am thankful that my kids are finally learning how to study. Two of my precious children, upon starting part time at a Christian School, found that they didn't really know how to study for spelling tests. The first few were brought home with less than satisfactory grades, not any more! Now they both bring home A's and B's on their spelling tests! What an exciting breakthrough.
3) I am thankful for my friends. I recently got to go and have a play date with Chatty Kelly and we laughed and just encouraged one another. Friends are so important in our lives.
4) I am thankful for the Love Language book I spoke of in the previous post. Knowing what love languages my children are dominant in has been instrumental in my life. I now know what to focus on for each of them if I'm short on time that day. (Today is the last day to link up for the giveaway.)
5) I am thankful for each person who takes the time to read my posts. You are all an inspiration and a blessing to me. You are the ones who keep this blog alive and thriving!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Love Languages (and a GIVEAWAY)
My husband and I have been reading through an amazing book. It's called, "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman.
We've known about the different love languages - but this book really puts things into perspective!
Here are the five love languages:
1) Personal Touch and Closeness
2) Quality Time
3) Words of Encouragement
4) Gifts
5) Acts of Service
If you aren't sure what your primary love language is, there is a questionnaire you can take in the book.
My hubby is #1 and I am #2. The interesting thing is that we can show love to one another, but if we aren't showing it in the other person's primary love language, it may not be so meaningful to them.
The other great part is that we have realized that our children are old enough to have developed a primary love language! They are not all the same, either. Now we can focus on filling up their love tank, and if we are short on time we can focus on their primary language first. Of course, we all need all five from time to time, but the primary language speaks the loudest to us.
For example, if I know that Ashley's primary love language is Acts of Service here's a scenerio that actually took place.
Ashley was sitting at the dinner table and I had just served the last plate and sat down myself to join the family for dinner. She asked if I could please get her the Katchup, and I responded no she could get it herself (since I had just sat down). She let out a sigh and I realized that her love language was acts of service, so I quickly changed my mind and said, "Actually, I'll be glad to get it for you." With that she lit up and enjoyed the rest of the meal.
For her, my act of service said, "I LOVE YOU!" If she wasn't an Acts of Service person than it would have been nice, but no big deal.
If you haven't read this book, I think you should check to see if there is one at your local library.
I believe that every household should own a copy of this book. I feel so strongly about this that I am going to give 2 copies away! Just leave me a comment between Monday May 11th, and Thursday May 14th and I'll put your name in for a drawing. Then check back on Friday May 15th to see which two people have won.
We've known about the different love languages - but this book really puts things into perspective!
Here are the five love languages:
1) Personal Touch and Closeness
2) Quality Time
3) Words of Encouragement
4) Gifts
5) Acts of Service
If you aren't sure what your primary love language is, there is a questionnaire you can take in the book.
My hubby is #1 and I am #2. The interesting thing is that we can show love to one another, but if we aren't showing it in the other person's primary love language, it may not be so meaningful to them.
The other great part is that we have realized that our children are old enough to have developed a primary love language! They are not all the same, either. Now we can focus on filling up their love tank, and if we are short on time we can focus on their primary language first. Of course, we all need all five from time to time, but the primary language speaks the loudest to us.
For example, if I know that Ashley's primary love language is Acts of Service here's a scenerio that actually took place.
Ashley was sitting at the dinner table and I had just served the last plate and sat down myself to join the family for dinner. She asked if I could please get her the Katchup, and I responded no she could get it herself (since I had just sat down). She let out a sigh and I realized that her love language was acts of service, so I quickly changed my mind and said, "Actually, I'll be glad to get it for you." With that she lit up and enjoyed the rest of the meal.
For her, my act of service said, "I LOVE YOU!" If she wasn't an Acts of Service person than it would have been nice, but no big deal.
If you haven't read this book, I think you should check to see if there is one at your local library.
I believe that every household should own a copy of this book. I feel so strongly about this that I am going to give 2 copies away! Just leave me a comment between Monday May 11th, and Thursday May 14th and I'll put your name in for a drawing. Then check back on Friday May 15th to see which two people have won.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Thankful Thursday #25
Welcome to Thankful Thursday! If you'd like to participate, just copy the T.T. button on my sidebar and paste it into your post. Next write down five things you are thankful for this week. Finally, come back here and link up with Mr. Linky. It's that easy!
Here's my list for this week
1) That I am in love with my husband! He recently left for a few days on business and I felt like a teenager again. We sent texts and emails and ecards as often as possible. I realized how much strength I get just from being in the same room with him. We are soul-mates.
2) I am thankful for my Mom. With Mother's Day on Sunday, I wanted to tell the world how much my Mom means to me. Growing up (and now) she has always led by example. She's a woman who loves God and her life is a song of praise to Him! She is also my friend, when we get together, we laugh and just enjoy one another. She is an encourager and supporter and she is always there when I need her. I love you, Mom! Happy Mother's Day!
3) I am thankful that God keeps on nudging me out of my comfort zone. He is gently pushing me out of my little world and into His perfect Will for my life through service. He is such a gentleman.
4) I am thankful for encouraging friends! I recently began emailing a friend I met through my local Christian Writer's group. We've been challenging one another to keep writing and submitting. I tell you what, nothing like a little accountability to keep you focused! God knows what we need and when.
5) I am thankful that my kids are doing well at the Christian School we've enrolled them in. They've only been homeschooled, so this was a HUGE transition and they are finally getting into the groove.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Equipped to Serve
Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
This verse holds so much meaning for me. I long to serve God, wherever He wants me to serve. Until He calls me! LOL! Then I start to question if I'm supposed to be doing this or that for the Lord. I say things like,
"I'm not real comfortable with that."
"This isn't my area of strength."
Here is a quote that has helped me keep things in perspective:
God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called.
I believe this is an important truth. I know of so many Christians who aren't serving God. I ask myself why and the only answer I can think of is this, "People are waiting to be equipped before they step out in faith to serve God."
If the above describes you, stop waiting and step out in faith to serve God wherever He has opened up a door for you.
Remember what Moses said after God called him to be His mouthpiece:
Exodus 4:10-12 Moses said to the LORD, "O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue." The LORD said to him, "Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."
Did you notice that God doesn't offer to just "heal" Moses of his speech disorder? No, instead God expects Moses to stay dependent on Him. Unfortunately, Moses doesn't have the faith he needs and insists that God find someone else to do the job. (Read the rest of Exodus 4 to find out what God does.)
Let's not be lacking in faith when it comes to serving God. Let's bless Him by being willing vessels to do whatever He asks of us.
Are you currently serving in a ministry? If you are, I'd love to hear a brief description of what you're doing and how God has equipped you.
This verse holds so much meaning for me. I long to serve God, wherever He wants me to serve. Until He calls me! LOL! Then I start to question if I'm supposed to be doing this or that for the Lord. I say things like,
"I'm not real comfortable with that."
"This isn't my area of strength."
Here is a quote that has helped me keep things in perspective:
God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called.
I believe this is an important truth. I know of so many Christians who aren't serving God. I ask myself why and the only answer I can think of is this, "People are waiting to be equipped before they step out in faith to serve God."
If the above describes you, stop waiting and step out in faith to serve God wherever He has opened up a door for you.
Remember what Moses said after God called him to be His mouthpiece:
Exodus 4:10-12 Moses said to the LORD, "O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue." The LORD said to him, "Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."
Did you notice that God doesn't offer to just "heal" Moses of his speech disorder? No, instead God expects Moses to stay dependent on Him. Unfortunately, Moses doesn't have the faith he needs and insists that God find someone else to do the job. (Read the rest of Exodus 4 to find out what God does.)
Let's not be lacking in faith when it comes to serving God. Let's bless Him by being willing vessels to do whatever He asks of us.
Are you currently serving in a ministry? If you are, I'd love to hear a brief description of what you're doing and how God has equipped you.
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