Last week my son, Daniel, came home from school and proceeded to give me the above gift.
Instead of being excited about it, he said, "Here Mom, I made this at school but it's got lots of mistakes in it so it's not very nice. Sorry."
I was surprised at his attitude and began to examine the gift. It was beautiful to me because he made it with me in mind. It was also precious because it was full of scriptures that I could read throughout each day.
As far as the flaws, I didn't see any of them. I've hung it in my bathroom and throughout each day I've read at least one of the verses.
I began to think about my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I began to wonder how many times I've decided that I'm not good enough, or that I didn't get it right - again. And how many times I thought I had disappointed God.
Then I felt my Heavenly Father lovingly telling me that He didn't see the flaws in my gifts to Him. He only saw that I tried with Him in mind and that was what He was looking for.
Psalm 50:8-10 "I do not rebuke you for your sacrifices or your burnt offerings, which are ever before me. I have no need of a bull from your stall or of goats from your pens, for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills."
Psalm 50:23 "He who sacrifices thank offerings honors Me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God."