What do you see when you look in the mirror each morning? Are you satisfied? I have never met anyone who has been totally satisfied with their outward appearance. I know that I have a quite extensive list of things that I would like to change about myself.
Think for a minute and tell me how God created the earth and all that is in it? He SPOKE it into being. Do you know how He made man? He formed him from dirt and then He blew into man's nostrils to breath life into him. For the woman, he took one of the man's ribs and formed us with His hands, WOW! God hand crafted each one of us, taking the time to meticulously form our bodies.
How then, can we complain or argue with the creator about our outward appearance? Instead we need to rejoice and be grateful that we are exactly the way He created us to be. We should also be in awe that He takes the time to hand craft each one of us. Just another sign of His great and unfathomable love for us!
Psalm 139:14-16 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;your works are wonderful,I know that full well.My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,your eyes saw my unformed body.All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
I needed to read this,sometime I don't like what I see in the mirror.
To see ourselves and others in the mirror that counts...His. I recently bought a new make up mirror that magnifies 7x normal. Oh my....that is scary look! B
LOL on Barbara's comment. Try a 10x mirror if you want to get REALLY scary!
You're so right, Sonya. God created us and says we are beautiful in His sight. Period.
Have a great week!
The challenge is to look beyond the mirror to see what God really sees. We can change our outward appearance in a lot of ways, and with a lot of work and $$!
But it's all for naught if we don't reflect upon who we are inside. You can't see someone's talents, gifts, heart by looking at their face in a mirror.
I'm not saying toss the mirror. But maybe we all need to say a prayer is we looking into those eyes looking back at us, and ask God what's really important to look at today....
These are some of my favorite verses in all of scripture:-)
This blows me away, what a timely TRUTH this morning for me, and I pray that it was for YOU as well. He loves YOU Sister!!!
I'd like to achieve beauty on the inside AND outside. Not just one or the other. :-)
I know, I know, I just can't help it!
This is beautiful, and one scripture that is always a fresh reminder. I have been doing this, we had some teenagers over a few weeks ago, and as we were praying the Lord told me to get the mirror of course I had to ask him again are you Lord, these boys may not understand, so I went to get the mirror and the tears started flooding my face, and I asked each one of them what they saw. Then the tears started coming down there faces. It was a wonderful evening.
Have a blessed week
Thank you for visiting my site. May God continue to guide us with His ways so that many more will get to know Him through our blogs. God bless sis in Christ.
What a great truth and too cute picture!!! Great post!!!
Hi Sonya,
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. :-)
You have such a nice family. Wow 6! I have five and homeschool, too.
Great post today. Thanks.
Oh, if we would just look at ourselves through the "mirror" of scripture instead of the "mirror" in our bathroom! :o)
Good word sister! It is definitely a journey for me learning to accept myself as God has made me and be the best me for Him!
Too truthful! Even if we can fix the things we don't like in ourselves, we will find something else we don't like. It's a never ending process. It's much easier to be happy with the way God created us, a unique work of art!
Love, Kat
Loved this post and loved what SueJ said in comment too. I spent years looking in the mirror to be sure my outward appearance was what I wanted it to be.
The enemy - for more than 40 years - lied to me by telling me that: "In order to be valuable - you must be desireable." I beleived that lie since I was a young girl. Only a few years ago - God revealed that lie. When He did - I had no idea what to do with it. So I asked Him to show me. He soon replaced that lie with His TRUTH - that my value is in Him alone.
Now when I look in the mirror I ask myself if people can see me from the inside - out. Now I dress for Jesus Christ - with His approval and for His glory on the outside. And I desire to clothe myself with the Fruit of the Spirit from the inside. Dressing ourselves is intentional - both on the inside and the outside. Let's choose [rightly] what to wear.
What a transformation God has made - by His glory and grace. I know others share this lesson too! Praise God when we understand it and overcome the 'lie' with the 'TRUTH'!
Thanks for sharing.
Looking Upward and Choosing JOY,
Hi sonya!
This is a struggle that I've dealt with for years--starting in my childhood. It seems that my physical appearance never measured up to what some (no names mentioned here) thought it should be. I was "too chubby", then "too thin", "hair too short", "hair too long"....well, I could go on and on, but the list is endless.
Thank God for leading me to the truth that I am HIS CHILD, CREATED BY HIM, and my heart is what He is looking for, the condition of my heart.
I totally agree with Truthsharer--what a transformation this has made in the way I think and feel about myself.
My physical appearance is not "model perfect", but my heart belongs to God, and I pray that my thoughts, words and actions reveal HIS beauty to others.
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