Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy in My Own Skin

On Monday I blogged about being a type "B" person and how I wanted advice on how to bring out the the type "A" in me. The funny thing was that I had more type "A"'s leave me a comment than type "B". Thank you for all of the responses. I loved reading each one of them!

I woke up this morning just feeling like this was an impossible task. I am a round peg and I cannot be squeezed into a square slot. I thought how God doesn't make mistakes and how He made some of us to be type "A" and some to be type "B". Then it hit me, the world puts a lot of pressure on us to become type "A" people. The world says we have to be driven to accomplish many things. The world demands we all be the same, fit into the same mold. But that's not how God works!

God created each one of us to be unique and different. Get to know a set of identical twins and you'll see that they even have differences in their personalitites. God does want us to accomplish things and do His will, but we are going to go about getting there in different ways.

I've thrown aside my minute-by-minute schedule (it was so pretty with a rainbow of colors), and I've adapted to a type "B" way of scheduling. I have made a list of all the things that need to be done, and then I sit down and do them. If I get side tracked for a few minutes (like writing this post), not to worry, becasue when I''m done here I'll be back to working on my list.

The irony is that I don't care if I mark off my list (that might make it messy!) I just know when I've completed the first thing than I move on to the next, and so on. Each day I will create a new list and that works well for me. I've also found that a block of time works better for me than an exact time. It's more flexible and as a type "B" I need flexible!

For example, we were finishing up some schooling this morning when we got a phone call (yes we answer the phone during school!) the person on the other end of the phone said, "IT"S SNOWING"!!! Of course, at the mention of snow in November in Virginia, we all ran screaming out the door to take in the wonder of it all! It was short lived and after about 20 minutes, we were all freezing cold and ready to go back in and finish up our work. If I had been on a specific time frame I would have been stressed out, but since I just knew the task that needed to be completed, I could feel no condemnation as I got the chore finished after playing in the snow.

So, if you're one of my "A" friends, stop rolling your eyes! If you're one of my "B" friends, lets celebrate being who we are because God doesn't want us to be what we are not. :)

PS. Think about it, Moses, was clearly a type "B", he was happy tending sheep in the fields and didn't need the leadership role. He even wanted his brother to take charge, although God wanted Moses to lead. So, that said, type "B" people can certainly lead, they just need to be pushed a bit. :)


Sue J. said...

I don't think the more-inclined-to-Type A types are rolling their eyes. But we're having some kind of small panic attacks! (LOL!)

You absolutely should not try to change being a Type B. God DID make you that way for a reason. But, finding out what works for you to get things done is just as challenging as trying to get a Type A to relax. (Although I could easily skip everything for a look at the snow!)

Truly, I think us closer-to-A's are a wee bit envious of something that looks easier. But, I'm guessing we couldn't work with a B system if we tried--not in our nature.

Nice series, Sonya!

Kelly said...

I really loved the way you "brought it home" with the Moses story. Moses really did lead well. And God is calling you to lead your children. That is your job. However, he totally leaves it up to you how to do it, and I think your doing just fine!

Even the school teacher sent the kids outside during the snow showers yesterday at my child's school. We ALL understand the preciousness of snow in VA.

I think the answer is to stop and smell the roses...but don't forget to START the journey again. Otherwise you'll end up surrounded by thorns. (wow - was that good or what?!? LOL!)

Sharon said...

I think it's great you stopped and went out to play in the snow, that's the thing God wants us to stop and chat with him, God wants us to stop and take in his word. I like being organized, I like getting things done and staying organized, but I also have to stop for God. We can always go back and finish whats on our list to do's, but I never want to put God on the bottom of my list.
This is who I am and God loves it.

I cannot believe that the word I have to put in to post this post is "satank" thats not cool!! don't you agree

B His Girl said...

I feel "B"etter after reading this.
Loved how you added Moses in this post. He did not want to be upfront but God let him know that he would lead the people out of Egypt...and when they came out to worship Him on the mountain. God has a pattern we need to see here. He selects things for us to do that we know are Not of Us. Personally, I would NEVER select being a Christian speaker. I tell God all the time that He is the Only One who could have asked me to do this and me step up to the task. He did that so I will rely on Him. If not, I would stayed tucked in my shell. It is all about our relationship with the Lord. That is what He is after. Absolute dependence on Him for all the A's and B's. Okay, I have been a B long enough in this post. I have to get ready for Bible study. Thanks Sonya, you have given me a 'B'oost today. :)
You are a special B!

Anonymous said...

I am a big "type A" person who would love a little of your "type B" personality to rub off on me! You just keep being yourself my sister-in-Christ and God will be pleased with your authenticity!

momstheword said...

I am the type A who loves my lists (check out my daily chore list on my sidebar). Hubby is a B. He is constantly telling me to "relax" and "stop working." In fact, recently he made it a husbandly order (so I complied and stopped cleaning for the night).

However, a few years ago it was snowing beautifully. I woke up the kids at midnite and we all went outside and played in the snow for an hour. There's a time for schedules, and a time to make a memory...and I chose the memory! (BTW, we weren't alone outside. The neighbors came out too.)

Bonita said...

Okay, after reading your post and all the comments I'm thinking I'm not nearly as Type A as I thought. Your little romp in the snow sounded wonderful to me and didn't stress me a bit and that color coded schedule thingy was a horror we tried at our house once too. I nearly blew a gasket. My kids laugh when I try to make a schedule because they know it will only last a day or two. Doesn't really sound Type A To me. Although, I can be very driven. In fact, my husband uses that word quite often to describe me.

I guess I'm a type AB, which also matches my blood type. Hey, maybe our personalities do match our blood types! Of course, I'm not sure what that makes people with "O".

Interesting thoughts!

On Purpose said...

I have to admit that I am a little confused...maybe because I am trying to analyze my "Aness" again...but I too would have ran outside and played in the maybe I fall into a different category than A or B...maybe I am a C..."crazy"

Leaon Mary said...

Now, WHERE do I learn more about what type I am?... I don't even know what type I am? HELP!! LOL

Shanita Waters said...

Great post! I enjoyed that a lot. the company I work for used to send all of the admin workers to an administrative professionals day where the whole day was based around personality types. It was a great deal of fun. I'm a "B" person too so you know I enjoyed the break away from work.

Be Blessed!

Mary Moss said...

Sonya, this is a wonderful post! I struggle the same issue! I desperately desire to be a type A -and when I worked in the "business world" I was! Well, at work I was. I'm basically a type B and I've only recently reconciled myself to that truth.

You're so right about not being so stressed. When I give myself persmission to be the person God made me to be, I'm a lot happier. That means that everyone around me is happier too!

Edie said...

I'm so glad God reminded you to be who He designed you to be. That is where true freedom lives.

I'm with Bonita on where I stand with the A & B personality. I lean more toward A but I much prefer not to be on a tight schedule as that stresses me. The bottom line is that none of us truely fits perfectly into any mold except the unique mold crafted by God expecially for each of us.